Sapphire Community Portal
Family Online Access to
Student Grades and AttendanceParents/guardians must each create their own Sapphire Community Portal account for online access to their students' information.
The Upper Merion Area School District uses the Sapphire Community Web Portal. This portal allows parents and legal guardians to check their child's grades, attendance, and school records through a secure online connection. Currently, this portal displays grades only for Upper Merion Area Middle School and High School students; however, attendance records are accessible for elementary students.To access the Community Portal, please use the following web address:
https://www.umasd.org/mygradesOr use the grayicon (Sapphire Grade Portal) in Popular Links
Attention Parents: Portal accounts are permanent; you DO NOT have to apply again each school year. Login username and password remain the same. If you have forgotten your login information, you can use the form at the bottom of this page to request it.
TO CREATE A PARENT PORTAL ACCOUNT:Please follow these steps to set up your Parent Portal account:- Go to this web address: https://www.umasd.org/mygrades
- Click on the link, "Apply for a Sapphire Community Portal account" located under "Forgot your Password?" below the purple login box.
- Enter this district keyword: vikings
- Read the Sapphire Community Portal User Agreement, check yes if you agree, and then click "Continue".
- Complete the online application. Be sure to include all required fields represented by * symbols. List all your children who are Upper Merion students.
- Complete your username and password information. The Upper Merion Area School District does not manage usernames and passwords. If you forget your password, the system will automatically reset your password, if you request it, based on your security question.
That's it. Once you have submitted your application, district personnel will review it for approval.
When your application has received final approval you will be notified via email. The email is system-generated, and may go to your spam folder; if you have not received an email within 5 school days of submitting your application, please check your spam email and, if necessary, complete the form below. It will come from the address sapphirepp@umasd.org.
If any information you submit does not match the information provided at registration, you will be contacted to provide additional documentation.
You do not need to fill out a separate application for each student. You may complete one application for all students for whom you have legal responsibility.
TO ADD ADDITIONAL STUDENTS TO AN EXISTING PARENT ACCOUNT:- Log into your account and access your account settings by clicking your name in the top right corner. From the account settings page, you can change your password and modify the email address used by the community portal.
- Click on "Students" under Account Settings on the left hand menu.
- Click on the ‘Request Access to Other Students’ link at the bottom of the page.
- Fill out the form completely for each student you wish to add.
- Click "Submit Request". The request will be sent to the school district for approval.
- An email will be sent to the specified address to confirm the student has been added to your account.
Your child's privacy is very important to us. Parents or guardians will be validated by district personnel before the account is activated. Access to information is restricted by a secure logon and password. Furthermore, the information that is posted to this site is merely a copy of the real information, ensuring that no one can alter actual permanent records through this application.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Parent Portal, please email sapphirepp@umasd.org. Please provide your name and your child's name and any other user information in order for us to help you with your issue. Please read the directions above before you contact us for assistance.
PARENTS: If you forget your login information, use the form below to have your username sent to you.STUDENTS: Use your student ID number as your username.This form system is read and maintained by a human being, so please allow a week for me to respond. If the form does not display on a phone or mobile device, please use this link: