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    Food Services
    Upper Merion Area Middle School

    Good news...

    For the 2024-2025 School Year, FREE BREAKFAST FOR ALL WILL CONTINUE! 

    In addition, there will be no charge for students who are in the "Reduced Pay" category for lunch!


    For lunch, your household must be either "Directly Certified" or have an approved meal application (approved either as Free OR Reduced) in order for your child to receive a free lunch.  You will receive an email and/or letter in the mail from Food Service notifying you in either case.  If you have not received a letter or email, then your student is at a "Full Pay" status.  If you believe, even remotely, that you may qualify, please fill out an application at www.schoolcafe.com.


    There is a 30 day "Grace Period" for Free/Reduced students, but on the 31st operating day (October 10, 2024) your student will revert to Full Pay if you haven't applied and received a letter from Food Service saying your student is Free/Reduced.  If you have received an email from Food Service that your household was “Directly Certified”, you do not have to do anything.   To apply, you will have to set up a new account (if you don’t have one) and then fill out the application.  You can apply on your computer or your smartphone. If you apply on your smartphone, you can apply, submit and track your application status right on your smartphone. If you apply on the computer, you will get an email back from the Food Service office telling you your student(s) designation within a day or two. Food Service uses the primary email that you list on your Student Information Update for all communication about applications, balances, and anything else we need to contact you about.  PLEASE make sure the School District has your up-to-date email address at all times. If there is no email address associated with your household, we will send you the letter in the US Mail.  


    The main office of your student’s school has English and Spanish applications for households without internet or smartphone access.  If you need an application in any other language, please contact the Food Service office at 610-205-8814.

    • Middle School and High School: Breakfast = ALL ARE FREE!
    • Lunch = $3.25, Reduced/Free = 0.00¢


    • Elementary Schools: Breakfast = ALL ARE FREE!
    • Lunch = $3.00, Reduced/Free= 0.00¢


    BREAKFASTBreakfast is FREE for everyone all year!

    Elementary Schools:

    Please help ensure that your student has an ID with a barcode card attached to backpacks to help speed breakfast lines.   

    If your student is not eating breakfast at school, please be sure that they eat breakfast before coming to school, so they won’t be hungry during class and unable to concentrate. 

    Middle School:

    Students can get a “Grab and Go” meal, which will contain a fruit or juice and a milk, at one of 2 areas in the main hallway and then bring the meal to their classroom to eat.

    There will be 3 choices every day and at least one will be vegetarian.

    Please make sure your student has their ID with them or their iPad, so we can get students through the line quickly.

    High School:

    Breakfast will be served in the kitchen from 7-7:35 am and students can eat in the commons area. Students can choose which fruit and milk they want with their meals.

    There will be 3+ choices every day and at least one will be vegetarian.

    Please make sure your student has taken a screenshot of their ID barcode on their phone, or they can use their laptop or a pinpad, so we can get students through the line quickly.


     Elementary Schools:

    There will be 3 choices every day at the Elementary Schools. One choice will be vegetarian every day.  Teachers in the classroom ask students in the morning what item they want and send that info to the kitchen, so we can prepare meals accordingly. Students will be handed an ID card with a barcode on it so that it can be scanned at the end of the lunch line.  The ID will be dropped into a plastic container and held for the next day for the student. You can help them by looking closely at the menus and helping them to decide what they should order.

    Middle School:

    There will be 4–6 choices every day at the Middle School. Signs will be posted to indicate what meals are served from what stations.  Menus can be found on the Food Services page of the UMASD.org website and will also be posted on Sapphire. 

    High School:

    There will be 4–6 choices every day at the High School and at least one will be vegetarian. Look for the signs we post to know what meal will be served at which station. Menus can be found on the Food Services page of the UMASD.org website and will also be posted on Sapphire. 

    Managing Your Student’s Breakfast and Lunch Money Can Be Done at www.schoolcafe.com

    With this account, you can:

    • See what your student is eating and set any restrictions on individual items you may want.
    • (Please note that you cannot restrict access to full meals on the website and must call 610-205-8804 with questions about doing that)
    • Set up low balance alerts and automatic payments
    • Add money to student accounts - by credit or debit card - please note that there is a $1.95 transaction fee to add money to an account in this way, and that the transaction limit is $100.

    To avoid this fee and transaction limit you may send a check to us made out to “Upper Merion Food Service” at: Upper Merion Food Service, Upper Merion Middle School, 450 Keebler Rd., King of Prussia, PA, 19406.  You can also send in a check with your student to bring to the cafeteria at lunch.  For the youngest students, put the check in an envelope with "Food Service" written on it, so the classroom teacher will know to send it to the cafeteria.


    Please Read on for Additional Important Food Service Information…

    The Food Service Department’s primary goal is to provide your child with healthy, attractive, and tasty meals which comply with all state and federal nutritional guidelines and regulations.

    Starting off the day with a good breakfast helps your child stay alert and focused in class, which improves academic performance. 

    Monthly menus are posted on the district website and are also posted on each school’s web page and on Sapphire (for Middle and High Schools).

    The UMASD Food Service Department is here to serve the students, so please feel free to contact me any time with compliments, concerns, questions, or suggestions at 610-205-8804 or pbartlett@umasd.org.

    Have a great 2024-25 school year! 

    Penny Bartlett, M.S., R.D., L.D., Food Service Supervisor

    This institution is an equal opportunity provider.