
    Who are your teachers?

    Pre-Algebra and ISS: Mrs. Will (awill@umasd.org

    ELA: Ms. Abrams (sabrams@umasd.org)

    ELA and ISS: Ms. Board (tboard@umasd.org)

    Math: Mrs. Shulenberger (sshulenberger@umasd.org)

    Learning Support: Mrs. Harris (bharris@umasd.org)
    Gifted Support/ISS: Mrs. Elison (melison@umasd.org)

    We want your child to have a successful year in sixth grade!!
    We look forward to meeting you and working together to ensure your child's success!!

    6th Grade Sea Lions...

    ∙ are life-long learners
    ∙ are responsible
    ∙ have a positive attitude
    ∙ are considerate of others
    ∙ try their personal best
    ∙ exhibit teamwork skills
    ∙ practice perseverance
    ∙ respect the rights of others
    ∙ learn from their mistakes and try again
    ∙ accept others and show compassion
    ∙ exhibit the Viking Values of being respectful, responsible, and kind


    To access the parent portal, please use the following link: