About Me
Hello, I am Mrs. Kocher and thanks for visiting me on the web! This is my second year at Caley and my second year in a classroom after 30 years teaching in the library. I spent my first 7 years after college teaching near Bel Air, MD. I then moved back to Pennsylvania to be closer to family and spent the next 23 years at Candlebrook Elementary here in Upper Merion. During Covid, I taught 4th grade virtually and really enjoyed the experience connecting with the same group of students for an extended period of time. I am so excited to be teaching 3rd grade this year and getting to know both the students and their families. After graduating from Catasauqua High School, I attended Kutztown University as a dual major. I received a bachelors degree in both Education and Library Science. During my time in Maryland, I also obtained a Masters as a Reading Specialist at Loyola University in Baltimore. Once here in Upper Merion, I rounded out my educational experience with classes at Penn State Great Valley focusing on Instructional Design.
When I'm not inspiring your children, I enjoy listening to podcasts, reading legal thrillers, watching my high school daughter play basketball and having my husband chauffeur me up and down the East Coast to visit beaches and scenic places.
The best way to contact me is by note or email. There are many days that I do not get to check my email, except before or after school. If you have something that is urgent about your child, such as a dismissal change, please contact the office at 610-205-3650. I will always try my best to check my email at lunch or at some point during the day.
I am looking forward to having a great year with your child!