• Life Skills Program
o We have a fully designed kitchen to help students, with varying natures and degrees of developmental disabilities, learn everyday life skills. Students prepare breakfast daily, and maintain the kitchen by cleaning and laundering towels.
o "Letters to Go" is a business developed within the class that provides letters and various holiday stencils to the school district.
o Students use public transportation to visit various businesses in the community and surrounding area (Acme, Costco, and King of Prussia Mall) to receive instruction in appropriate ways to function within their community and to develop social skills.
• Read 180 Program
o Read 180 is a research based reading program designed to help students with reading difficulties increasing their reading comprehension and overall reading skills. The program is delivered over two back-to-back periods, providing students with 90 minutes of reading instruction per school day. The program has a strong technology component that individualizes the instruction at each student’s instructional level.
• Work Study Program
o The goal of the Work Study program is to provide students with practical career/work related learning experiences. Students are expected to work at their place of employment for a minimum of fifteen hours a week and must also participate in a weekly seminar. On-site visitations will be made monthly in which the Work Study teacher, student and employer will meet to discuss the student’s progress on the job site. During the weekly seminars students will learn job related skills, such as, interviewing skills, resume writing, work ethics, and laws related to legal documents. Skills learned in the weekly seminar will be reinforced on the job site.
• Inclusion/Co-taught Classes
o Students are included in general education classes for Math, Social Studies, Science, English and various electives. A special education teacher co-teaches the class along with a general education teacher allowing for greater opportunities for differentiated instruction.