Susan S. Silver Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
435 Crossfield Road
King of Prussia, PA 19406I would like to re-introduce myself to the Upper Merion community. You might remember me as the principal of Caley Elementary School. As of December 2015, I was appointed Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction. I am aware that educational leaders must wield influence on student achievement by creating challenging but also caring and supportive conditions conducive to each student’s learning. We must relentlessly develop and support teachers, create positive working conditions, effectively allocate resources, construct appropriate organizational policies and systems, and engage in other deep and meaningful work outside of the classroom that has a powerful impact on what happens inside it.
Diane Ravitch, a research professor of education at NYU stated, “What we need to improve education in this country is a strong, highly respected education profession, a rich curriculum, and a safe, nurturing environment available in every school for every child." It is my charge to support and enhance this mission of equity and excellence for all students.
Curriculum and instruction are directly linked. Curriculum can be defined as the “roadmap” or design for learning with a focus on the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the 21st century. The instruction is the process by which one may achieve these necessary skills and information.The UMASD Department of Curriculum and Instruction oversees four critical areas in our schools. Here is a brief overview of these areas:
Curriculum: As the facilitator of this department, it is my goal to support our staff in the development and implementation of rigorous,comprehensive and research-based curricula.
Instruction: This department promotes and sustains best practices for instruction that are aligned to the PA Common Core and the District Strategic Plan. Supports for teachers and administrators are ongoing to assure instruction meets the needs of all students.
Assessment: This department facilitates the development,implementation and scoring of district-wide assessments to help measure the effectiveness of our instructional programs. In addition, we help teachers in data analysis to utilize these assessments to design and revise instruction to meet the needs of all of our students.
Professional Development: The district Professional Development Plan was developed to create a culture of learning. Professional development will be based on sound research and promising practices, and will be part of an approved plan for building educators’ skills over the long term.(PDE, 2009)
I look forward to a comprehensive and thorough partnership with teachers, administrators, and the community as we work diligently on our strategic plan for the future of UMASD.
Susan S. Silver Ed. D.