• About Me

    Daniel Taylor-Storm
        Room: A208
        Position: English teacher
          - English 11 Honors-AP
              (Language and Composition)
          - Writing Workshop
        Position: Youth Aid Panel (YAP) Chairperson (Office: B208)

        Email: dtaylorstorm@umasd.org


    My name is Daniel Taylor-Storm, and this is my 26th year teaching and my 16th at UMAHS. 
    I received my B.A. in Secondary Education and English Literature from Elmira College, my M.A. in American Studies from Columbia University, and my M.S. in Educational Leadership from Wilkes University. I serve as a Viking Links Coordinator and a Class Sponsor for the Excellent Class of 2027! In addition to teaching at UMAHS, I adjunct at West Chester University, where I primarily offer courses in Effective and Critical Writing as a part of the First Year Writing Program.
    I am excited about the school year ahead and I look forward to working together so that each student can reach their greatest potential.

    I am available for extra help during the following times:


    7:35 - 8:22 am (Prep)

    2:22 – 3:00 pm (After school)

    After 3:00 pm*


    *Please coordinate with me beforehand as there will be dates wherein I have meetings and/or other appointments or obligations.


    Please feel free to contact me throughout the year with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Last Modified on July 30, 2024