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    What is SWPBIS?

    School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS) 

    PBIS is a framework used in schools and classrooms to improve social climate and emotional competence while impacting academic achievement and student behavior.   It is a research-based model with a focus on positive climate, preventing problem behavior, and increased academic achievement for all students.

    Caley is part of a state wide PAPBIS consortium.  There are several other school districts in PA that participate in PBIS.  In the spring, Caley was recognized by the entire MCIU PA PBS Facilitator Team on meeting fidelity to universal implementation (Tier 1) on the Benchmarks of Quality Evaluation for SWPBIS! Caley Elementary scored 93% implementation, exceeding the 70% benchmark for fidelity implementation.  

    Our Mission: 

    The Caley community embraces a culture of diversity, collaborative learning, and problem solving where everyone is safe to learn and grow.

    Follow us on Twitter @CaleyPBIS