  • Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!

    Bonjour ! My name is Nelly Olea-Trujillo and I am a Foreign language teacher at Upper Merion Middle School. I have been at UMMS since 2019 and I am excited to start the school year.


  • About me:

    I graduated from West Chester University in 2018 with a Bachelor's in French with a teacher certification in French and Spanish. I recently received a Master's degree from WCU. I grew up in Norristown and have continued to live there.

    I have the cutest dogs in the world! 



  • This Year

    I am very excited inform you that this year I will be teaching a 6th grade exploratory course titled Exploring Cultures 1. I will also be teaching 7th and 8th grade French. 

    If you or your child has any questions about my courses, please do not hesitate to contact me at my email above or check out the courses on schoology.