Middle School Daily Announcements
Wednesday, February 19
A Day
Today's Black History Fact is about Johnnie Taylor. Taylor was a soul musician who made history when he became the first artist to have a platinum single, which means he sold one million copies. The Platinum single was titled "Disco Lady." Thanks for listening to the Black History fact of the day!
The one district one cause event will be on Friday 2/28 - Doors open at 4:30pm. The event begins at 5pm. Admission is $5 per person, Cash and Venmo Accepted. Concessions and Raffles will be available
This is NOT a drop-off event. All students must be accompanied by an adult and that adult must supervise their student(s) throughout the duration of the event!
Attention, middle school!!! Our next spirit day is PAJAMA DAY - this Thursday, February 20th!
The competition remains close with:
7th grade in 4th place with 65 points
8th grade in 3rd place with 68 points
5th grade in 2nd place with 75 points
6th grade in 1st place with 76 points
So get comfy...get cozy...and get in those PJS this Thursday and earn spirit points for your grade!!!
Tuesday, February 18
D Day
Today's Black History Fact of the Day is about Daniel Hale Williams. Daniel Hale Williams was the first Black doctor to perform open heart surgery. He also founded Provident Hospital in 1891, which was the first non-segregated hospital in the United States. Thanks for listening to the Black History fact of the day!
The one district one cause event will be on Friday 2/28 - Doors open at 4:30pm, event begins at 5pm. Admission is $5 per person, Cash and Venmo Accepted. Concessions and Raffles will be available
This is NOT a drop-off event. All students must be accompanied by an adult and that adult must supervise their student(s) through the duration of the event!
Attention, middle school!!! Our next spirit day is PAJAMA DAY - this Thursday, February 20th!
The competition remains close with:
7th grade in 4th place with 65 points
8th grade in 3rd place with 68 points
5th grade in 2nd place with 75 points
6th grade in 1st place with 76 points
So get comfy...get cozy...and get in those PJS this Thursday and earn spirit points for your grade!!!
Attention Lower House students who signed up for the volleyball intramural - it starts today after school in the big gym! Check Schoology to see if you got an invite to the group and make sure you have your sneakers to start today. Be at the large gym right after school. You must have sneakers! coach Tucker
Wednesday, February 12
C Day
Congratulations to Henrique "Pops" Mesquita, Ryan "Ain't No Denying" Gavlick and Cameron "The" Butler "Did It" defending their number 1 seed in the annual 3 on 3 tournament to bring home the championship!
The one district one cause event will be on Friday 2/28 - Doors open at 4:30pm, event begins at 5pm. Admission is $5 per person, Cash and Venmo Accepted. Concessions and Raffles will be available. This is NOT a drop-off event. All students must be accompanied by an adult and that adult must supervise their student(s) through the duration of the event!
Tuesday, February 11
B Day
The one district one cause event will be on Friday 2/28 - Doors open at 4:30pm, event begins at 5pm. Admission is $5 per person, Cash and Venmo Accepted. Concessions and Raffles will be available. This is NOT a drop-off event. All students must be accompanied by an adult and that adult must supervise their student(s) through the duration of the event!
Wrestling at Norristown at 3:00 pm. Dismissal at 1:45 pm, departure at 2:00 pm. Playing at Norristown High School. CancelledCAST CLUB will meet afterschool on Wednesday, February 12th.
Congratulations to our final Winter Athletes of the Week. Thanks to all the athletes for their hard work and dedication throughout the season. Please see Mr. Chubb in C312 for your t-shirt and Mission Barbecue coupon.
Sport Week 7
8th Grade Boys Hoops Quadhir Perry
7th Grade Boys Hoops Kris Cooper
8th Grade Girls Hoops Jazmyn Jones
7th Grade Girls Hoops Jojo James
Wrestling Ava Desimone
Cheerleading Zaria Harper
The 8th grade boys basketball team closed out the season with a 39-30 road victory over Owen J Roberts on Friday. The Vikings led from mid way through the first quarter. Ryan Gavlick (13 points), Messiah Wright (8 points) and Dexter Montanez (7 points) carried Upper Merion's offensive output. Aiden, Reed, Zach and Quadhir controlled the paint on the defensive end and Kolby, Elyjah and Carmen helped close out the Vikings 3rd consective road victory to end the season. SKOL!
The Lady Vikings battled hard against OJR on Thursday to pull off a nail biting win to finish their season strong. The Lady Vikings all contributed to the win with great offense and defense. The Lady Vikings were leading OJR at the half by (22-11). OJR battled back in the second half shorting the lead closer to the Lady Vikings. In the 4th quarter, with a minute left, the Vikings were leading only by 2. They held from OJR and won the game with the score of (36-34). Great Job, Mila, Lauren, Ny’La, Emma, Zoe, Ashleigh, Jazmyn, Elonna, Peyton, Daniela, Janiyah, Stella, Lily, Addison. Thank you for an awesome season ladies! Coach Michelle, Coach Bill, Coach Hannah
Monday, February 10
A Day
Congratulations to our final Winter Athletes of the Week. Thanks to all the athletes for their hard work and dedication throughout the season. Please see Mr. Chubb in C312 for your t-shirt and Mission Barbecue coupon.
Sport Week 7
8th Grade Boys Hoops Quadhir Perry
7th Grade Boys Hoops Kris Cooper
8th Grade Girls Hoops Jazmyn Jones
7th Grade Girls Hoops Jojo James
Wrestling Ava Desimone
Cheerleading Zaria Harper
There are only 10 days left to turn in your permission slip for Sport and Nutrition Seminar hosted by the Student Athlete Advisory Committee! The event is on Thursday February 20th right after school- and permission slips are due on February 12th. Permission slips can be found in Coach Phanthavong's room C207- there will also be SAAC members with the permission slips at 7th and 8th grade lunch and during Viking Time. Please give your permission slip to Coach Phanthavong in room c207! Reminder that this is a FREE event. There will be snacks and raffle baskets for $1 - cash only.