Band SuppliesHere is a list of helpful band supplies for each student to have for each lesson...ALL STUDENTS:Pencil - A pencil is necessary at every lesson/rehearsal to make changes or notes to the music. NO PENS PLEASE!Lesson Book - Each student will be provided with a lesson bookInstrument - Never forget the most important thing!!
-A box of extra reeds- Rico brand, 3 1/2+ strength or Vandoren brand, 3+ strength-Cork grease (Selmer brand is good)BRASS ONLY-Valve oil (Al Cass or Blue Juice brand is good)-Slide Cream for trombones (Slide-O-Mix brand is good)-Tuning Slide Cream for trumpet, french horn, baritone & tuba (Super Slick or Bach brands are good)PERCUSSION ONLY-Pair of standard drum sticks (Vic Firth Standard 5B)-Practice pad (Evans 2-sided Practice Pad)-Stick Bag (not a necessity but helpful)The following supplies are OPTIONAL but highly suggested, and serve to help your child be successful at his/her instrument:- Music Stand- A music stand is necessary to have at home for correct playing posture and good tone. A metal folding stand can be purchased at a music store (SamAsh or Music & Arts) or website for about $10
- Tuner/Metronome- A tuner is helpful for students who already know how to tune their instruments or parents who are able to help. The metronome helps keep the beat while you practice. (Students also have access to one on their iPads. They can go to the App Portal and download them)
Last Modified on September 23, 2020