Second Grade Policies and Procedures for Distance Learning (In the event of any extended closure)
All independent work will be listed in Schoology.
Zoom Lessons
Please be on time. Remember to keep yourself muted during lessons. No food or drink should be near iPad.
Please notify the office of any absence or lateness.
Please check Schoology daily. All work, announcements, and class information will be posted in there.
Second Grade Policies and Procedures For In Person Learning
Snacks and Drinks
We will have a short snack break each day. Please send in a healthy snack with your child each morning. Please do not send in juice, soda, or candy. We do have a water fountain in the classroom. Students may also keep a water bottle on their desks throughout the day.
Absent Notes
Please make sure to send in a note when your child returns to school following an absence, even if you have called the school to report the absence.
Change in Dismissal Procedures
Please send in a note the morning of a change in dismissal. If someone is coming home with your child, please make sure to send in a note stating that (a note should come into school from the other student also). If there is a last minute change in your child’s dismissal, please call the school. Late in the day emails may not be read in time.
Homework will be sent home Monday-Thursday. It will typically consist of 1 math paper and a Language Arts assignment. The homework will always be on the skills taught or reviewed in school that week. Homework should always be sent back the next day. Work should be completed in pencil unless directions state otherwise. Students may color pictures on the page if they choose to do so. Help your child develop the habit of writing their name on each page.
**If your child struggled with the homework, please let me know immediately.**
Read At Home
One of the most important things you can do is model a love of reading. Read with your child each day. It is the perfect way to spend quality time together! Your child will be given a weekly reading log that should be turned in each Friday. Children should read for at least 20 minutes each night.
Money sent to school should be in an envelope with your child’s name on it.
We will celebrate your child's birthday on the actual date of their birthday or the closest day to their birthday if it falls on a non-school day. You may send in something special for your child on their birthday (ex: show and tell item, book to read to the class, pencils for the class, goody bags for the class). Please do not send in a food item like cupcakes or cookies. In school, your child will receive a crown to wear, a bookmark, a pencil, and a certificate.