Position Status Position Duties OPEN
President or Co-Presidents: Shall preside over all Board Meetings and General Assembly meetings. Shall negotiate all contracts with any vendor, company, or individual who shall engage in business with the PTC. Shall,along with the Treasurer, be a second signatory on all PTC bank accounts. OPEN
Vice-President: Shall perform the duties of the President at any and all PTC functions in the President's absence. Shall assume the office of President in the event of a vacancy. Shall, as needed, act as Volunteer Coordinator. Nick Thomson
Alyssa Krauser
Treasurer: Shall keep a detailed ledger of all PTC income and expenditures. Shall keep possession of all PTC checkbooks. Shall be a signatory on all PTC bank accounts. Shall provide a current financial statement at each Board Meeting. Shall provide an end-of-year financial statement at the end of the school year. Co-Treasurer
Jessica Wanner
Secretary: Shall record the minutes of all Board meetings. Shall provide a written copy of all meeting minutes, which will be posted on the website for viewing by families. OPEN
Fundraising Coordinator: Shall coordinate fundraising strategies and be responsible for supporting major fundraising programs. Shall assist in the development of fundraising goals and soliciting funds. Shall conduct the correspondence of the PTC, such as distributing flyers and posting information to the PTC website. Jessica Kopp
Volunteer Coordinator: Shall coordinate a chair-person for committees, and organize volunteers for events as necessary. Shall maintain a Sign-Up website or organize PTC sign-up sheets. OPEN
Co-Volunteer Coordinator: Shall co-coordinate a chair-person for committees, and help organize volunteers for events as necessary. Shall maintain a Sign-Up website or organize PTC sign-up sheets.
Last Modified on September 27, 2024