• Are you worried about your child?

     Viking Values

     The PASS Team can help!

    P.A.S.S. =


    What is the PASS program?

    PASS (PEOPLE for ASSISTANCE of STUDENTS in STRESS) is the Student Assistance Program (SAP) for Upper Merion Area Middle School as mandated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Act 211. The goal of PASS is to provide a system of identification, referral, intervention, and after-care for students who exhibit behaviors of concern. The Teams’ main focus is to gather information about a referred student in five areas of his/her schooling: academic performance, classroom behavior and interaction, health, discipline, and attendance. PASS is not involved in discipline actions or treatment.

    PASS is concerned professionals who work to identify and provide support to students who are in need of assistance.

    PASS is NOT a discipline program, a treatment program, or a drug program.

    How does my child become involved in the program?

    Students come to the SAP team in different ways.  Any member of our staff, student body, or a parent may refer a student for evaluation of behaviors associated with drug and alcohol concerns, depression or other mental health issues, and personal crises related to family issues, stress and other interpersonal relationships.  The students themselves can even go directly to the PASS team to ask for help.  However, the team will not become involved unless we receive your permission.

    Upper Merion’s PASS team will help you find services and assistance within the school and if needed in the community. We do not diagnose, treat, or refer your child for treatment.  Rather, we will provide you with information and you make the choices. Remember, you are part of our team.  Our goal is to help your child succeed in school.

    What if Someone Has Already Referred My Child to the Program?

    First, know that your child was referred because someone is concerned about observable changes they are seeing in your child.  Perhaps a teacher or friend has noticed changes in behavior and habits that you may or may not have noticed at home.  Your observations of your child at home are important.

    The PASS team will request that you sign a permission form for your child to become involved in the program.  Once you sign, the PASS team will begin to work with you and your child.  If you feel you need more information before making a decision, please let your team know.  If you do not sign the permission form, the PASS team will not become involved.  Participation is voluntary.

    What Happens After I Give My Permission?

    There are several steps that the team will take after you sign the permission form:

         1) The PASS team will gather specific information about your child's performance in school from all school staff who have contact with your child.  A team member will also talk with you either in person or over the phone about your observation, your child's strengths, and your concern.

         2) Together, you and the PASS team will develop a plan of action to help your child achieve success in school.  The plan might include services and activities in school and/or services from a community agency.  If necessary, the PASS team will talk with you about services in the community and give you information on how to contact others who may be able to help.

         3) The PASS team will continue to work with and support your child.  They will stay in touch with you to talk about your child's progress and success in school.  Your continued involvement is very important.

    The PASS team and the school will respect you and your child's privacy at all times.


    To contact a member of the Upper Merion PASS team, please click on the tab labeled “PASS Team Members”.  If you are interested in learning more about the PASS program from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) please visit their website at www.sap.state.pa.us