• Contacting Mrs. Donahue




    How do I schedule an appointment with Mrs. Donahue?

    Students can always email to set-up a meeting.  They also can see Mrs. Fugelo, Guidance Secretary, to schedule an appointment.   Students can also catch me in the hallway or Cafeteria and let me know that they would like to meet with me.  I will do my best to set-up a meeting as soon as I can.  Parents who wish for me to see their child can send me an email at adonahue@umasd.org or can call me at (610) 205-8836.  

    Should I contact Mrs. Donahue to schedule a meeting with my child's team?

     If you have a specific concern regarding your child's academics, please make every effort to communicate initially with your child's teachers.  Since they observe your child in the classroom setting on a daily basis, the teachers will most likely be able to address your concerns more directly.  If you wish to schedule a team meeting, you can contact the team or me and we'll be happy to find a time that works best for everyone's schedule.
Last Modified on August 26, 2021