• Wall of Fame


    Since 1994, the Wall of Fame has honored dozens of members of the school community who have made unique and significant contributions to our district.  Honorees are teachers, administrators, support staff, parent volunteers, and so many others who have gone above and beyond in their own special way to help make Upper Merion all that it is. The annual awards ceremony takes place each fall and honorees are presented with a tribute plaque that is then displayed in the designated school building.

    What It Takes to Become a Wall of Fame Honoree
    To say that the journey to the Wall of Fame honor is a long one, may be a bit of an understatement.
    ·  First, someone or a group of people must feel strongly enough about the positive nature of  a person’s contributions to the district to sponsor that individual as a Wall of Fame nominee;
    ·  The sponsors must then set out to obtain signatures and positive comments of support for the nomination.  There must be at least 50 people who are in agreement that the nominee should receive the award;
    ·  Nominations are reviewed for completeness and justification by the Wall of Fame Committee;
    ·  The Committee forwards its recommendation to the Board of School Directors, which makes the final decision.


    List of Honorees

    Lynn  M. Connett (d)
    Jacqueline Hollrah Fetzer
    Mary Patricia Reif (d)
    Carol B. Wenrick (d)
    Patricia L. Hallman
    Francis X. Luther
    Dorothy Plantholt
    Al Robinson (d)
    Sara Ruttman (d)
    Robert A. Mitchell
    Ruth K. Wolf
    David Worth (d)
    Alfred Cornish
    Dorothy Henzel (d)
    Marion McCreary
    Edith Jane Serfass (d)
    Shirley Fine (d)
    Marilyn Knox
    Maria McCracken
    Patricia McCann
    Joseph Orse
    Kerstin Zadrejko
    Harry V. Marshall
    Josephine Ross
    Paul R. Tennesen (d)
    Joan E. Williams
    Diane Ludovic
    Salvatore Rotondo
    Dr. Charles Scott
    John Cowley
    Lydia Dan-Sardinas
    Donald Denick
    H. Kent Martin
    Claire Silcox
    Bonnie Waltz
    Dennis A Barcaro
    Elaine DeWan
    Marilyn Fitzgerald
    Lowell McMullen
    Jean Thorpe
    Henry Tomko
    Kenneth Hales
    Milena Trosini
    Linda Ehmer
    Margaret Kuhn
    Richard Ryan
    Nancy Hawes
    Sharon Larson (d)
    Joy Lynn Power
    James R. Lehman
    Carol M. Murphy (d)
    Lois K. Nichols (d)
    Steven M. Kozol
    Regina Goernemann
    W. Gerard Oleksiak
    David DeRosa (d)
    John Adiletto
    Jim Baxter (d)
    John Funk
    Thad Radzanowski
    2010 and 2011 (Combined induction ceremony held November 30, 2011)
    Lin Dallas
    Cathy Farrell
    Georgia Katsafanas
    Judith Scancella (d)
    Karen Cedrone
    Ann Conover
    Edward Helenski
    Donald L. Jackson
    Beth Triolo
    Karen Gershanick 

    (d) deceased

    Become a Wall of Fame Committee Member
    Contact Wall of Fame Chairman, Mr. Jason Jones at jjones@umasd.org.