School starts promptly at 8:40am. Please make sure that your child is on time. Your child will come straight to the classroom, hang up their coats and bags, and hand in their homework. The children should also give me any notes from home each morning. If your child is later than 8:50am, you must sign them in at the office. They will receive a pass to get into class.
Dismissal begins at 3:30pm. Children will not be permitted to leave the building until the bell rings.
Car Riders:
We request that parents picking up their children in the afternoon remain in their cars and use the designated parent drop-off/pick-up lines. Please follow the arrows in the parking lot. Utilizing the designated parent drop-off/pick-up lines or the designated crosswalks with crossing guards will maximize your child’s safety. If you are running a little late, please contact the office at 610-205-3650 to let them know. Your child will then be waiting for you in the office.Walkers:
3rd grade walkers will be dismissed from 2 different locations: Students will use the Main Entrance doors if their family lives on the Abrams Mill side of Caley Road. Students will leave the gym if their family lives on the Regimental side of Caley Road. They will not be permitted to leave the building until the 3:30 bell rings.
Bus Riders:
The children who ride the bus leave school between 3:30 and 3:45. However, sometimes the bus does run late. It might be a good idea to carry a cell phone to the bus stop with you. This way you will be able to call the school if you are worried that the bus is running late.**If your child is going home a different way, you MUST send in a note saying how they will be getting home. A change in dismissal includes a different mode of transportation, a different person picking up your child, your child leaving with another child, or an early dismissal. We cannot allow your child to leave school with a different adult unless a note is written.
Homework Folders & Assignment Books:Students should have their homework folder and assignment book (agenda) with them in school every day. Be sure to check their folder and book bag each night for notes, important papers, and homework. Please sign or initial your child's homework book each night. Make sure to inform your child when you send in notes, forms, and/or important papers, so that they are given to their teacher upon arrival at school in the morning.
A healthy, NUT-FREE snack should be sent DAILY. This includes foods that are manufactured in a facility that processes nuts. Our schedule has us eating lunch very early this year. I will be planning an afternoon snack break each day.
Due to the increased number of food allergies and dietary restrictions at Caley Elementary, birthday celebrations are FOOD-FREE. Our classroom will recognize your child on their birthday in a variety of special ways. If you are still interested in sending in something on your child's birthday, a few food-free alternatives include: sending in pencils, erasers, or stickers for the children in the class, donating a book in honor of your child to our classroom library, donating a new or gently used board game to our classroom, or having your child bring in a favorite book to read to their classmates.
Many of the students at Caley have allergies. Some are characterized as serious or even life-threatening. We are asking that you send your child in grades K-4 to school with a healthy, nut-free snack for the classroom. Because our children often visit different classrooms and sit at different desks, we want to ensure the desk surfaces are kept free of nut oils. Your child may bring foods manufactured with peanuts for their lunch to be eaten in the cafeteria, but please be certain all snacks for the classroom are nut-free.
Conference Dates:
Winter conferences will be held on ______ and ______. Spring conferences will be held on ______ and ______. There will be noon dismissals on the days that conferences are held. Additional information will be provided as the dates approach. This year's report cards will be handed out in _________.
If your child is going to be absent, please notify the office at 610-205-3650. Make sure to send a written, signed note when your child returns to school following all absences. As per Pennsylvania law, if a note is not sent to school within 5 days of an absence, the absence becomes "unlawful". Too many unlawful absences will result in you having to pay a monetary fine and possibly having to go to court. Please remember, that a doctor's note is required if a child misses 5 or more days of school in a row.
Caley PTC:
The PTC plans and organizes wonderful events for all the children at Caley Elementary School. Click here to visit their website for more information and to join PTC.