* It is extremely important that your child is on time every morning to ensure they are completing their morning routine requirements and are ready to start the day. *
8:40-8:50 - Arrival
8:55-9:20 - Morning Meeting
9:20-9:50 - Writing (ABCD days)
Extension (EFGH days)
9:55-10:25 - ELA
10:30-10:45 - Recess
10:45-11:15 - Lunch
11:20-12:20 - Math
12:25-1:05 - Specials
(Snack & 2nd recess break here)
1:10-1:50 - ELA
1:55-2:35 - EXCEL
2:40-3:20 - Science/Social Studies/ELA Small Group Instruction
3:25-3:30 - Dismissal