Welcome to NJHS at the Upper Merion Middle School. Please be advised, we currently utilize Schoology for all NJHS communication and information.
General Information
Mrs. Mandi Donahue (Guidance)
Mrs. Tiana Quinn (122)
Seventh and eighth grade students who exemplify the characteristics of Scholarship, Leadership, Citizenship, Character and Service
SELECTION PROCESS: Students invited to apply for membership at the end of sixth or seventh grade if they earn distinguished honor roll for the first 3 marking periods of the school year. They are then required to complete an application to be considered for admission. Once all aspects of the application process are completed, students are inducted at a special ceremony.
MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: Once inducted, students must participate in at least 3 individual and group service projects during the year and attend monthly meetings. Students are responsible for maintaining honor roll and fulfilling their project requirements.
MEETINGS: The group meets once a month, usually on the second Friday of the month at 7:15am. Students are encouraged to propose new projects, group and individual. As projects arise, additional meetings may be scheduled.
INFORMATION: All members have access to our Schoology page. This page is our main source of information and communication. Access will be provided at our September meeting, attendance MANDATORY.