Special Education Overview
The special education program is highly individualized and flexible to allow eligible students the opportunity to reach their potential. Each identified student at the high school level receives a transition driven Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and may receive a specially designed program that provides supports to students identified with one or more of the following: Autism; deaf-blindness; emotional disturbance; hearing impairment; mental retardation; multiple disabilities; orthopedic impairment; other health impairment; specific learning disability; speech or language impairment; traumatic brain injury; visual impairment (including blindness) or gifted.
In order to meet the criteria for special education consideration, a multidisciplinary team completes a Comprehensive Evaluation and provides recommendations to the Individualized Education Program Team. The IEP team determines the student’s eligibility. If the student is determined to need specially designed instruction, the IEP team provides the exceptional student the most appropriate educational program and placement in the least restrictive environment. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania establishes standards and regulations for such placement.