Upper Merion Area High School
Hello DECA members and welcome to the school year!SPONSORS:DECA: Jen McCarthyVIKING STORE: Denise JowettANNOUNCEMENTS
Want to know what DECA really is? Visit the following links for more info:
www.deca.orgWords To Lead By
Looking for leadership?
Look in the mirror
A leader is…a dealer in hope
Vision is the art of seeing things invisible
Where there is no vision…the people perish
Study the past. Live the moment. Plan the future
Leadership is action…not position
There are no shortcuts…to any place worth going
Don’t wait for your ship to come in…swim out and meet it
Most things are difficult…before they are easy
Act like you are invincible. Know that you are not
Fail to honor people…and they will fail to honor you
Blame softly. Praise Loudly.
The more you say the less they remember
Be grateful for luck. Don’t count on it
It’s not what happens when you’re there.
It’s what happens when you’re not
Think with your heart
Authority is a poor substitute for leadership
Hold everyone to a high standard. Hold yourself to a high standard
Listen…and lead
Remember…there’s always room at the top
But even more at the bottom
So…seek out people…better than you
So…seek out people…braver than you
The time is always right…to do what’s right
Keep your promises. Keep your confidences.
Keep your temper
Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that were the fruit is?
Be out…and about
Enjoy the process…but crave the goal
We will either find a way…or make one
Be not afraid of greatness
Real leaders are ordinary people…with extraordinary determination
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